Create Vtiger Module Overview
We will be creating a new module called ‘Projects’ and all the examples referred will be based on this module name.New Module: Projects
Let us say the new ‘Projects’ module basically contains two blocks of information. The blocks in Project module are:
- Project Information
- Description
- Project Name (Text)
- Project Type (Text)
- Project Lead (Text)
- Assigned To (Combo Values)
- Start Date (Date)
- End Date (Date)
- Similarly the Description Block will contain Description field of type Textarea.
- If the module has some related information we will be specifying the same in Related Lists.
After creating the basic block of the new module, integrate it into vtiger CRM by updating the following files.
Part 1: Vtiger Back-end Modifications
Files to be updated while creating a new module (Projects) are:- schema/DatabaseSchema.xml
- modules/Users/DefaultDataPopulator.php
- modules/CustomView/PopulateCustomView.php
- modules/CustomView/CustomView.php
- include/utils/ListViewUtils.php
- data/CRMEntity.php
- include/utils/UserInfoUtil.php
- index.php
- Popup.php
- modules/Settings/CustomFieldList.php
- modules/Settings/AddCustomFieldToDB.php
- data/Tracker.php
- include/utils/CommonUtils.php
- include/utils/utils.php
- modules/Home/UnifiedSearch.php
- include/ComboStrings.php
Step 1: Update DatabaseSchema.xml File
Design new tables that are to be created for the new module in the DatabaseSchema.xml file present under <vtiger Home>/schema folder along with its attributes. The new tables created in schema should also take care of the relations that will exist among the tables.Example:
For Projects module, create four tables in the DatabaseSchema.xml file present under <vtiger Home>/schema/ folder, say – ‘vtiger_projects’, ‘vtiger_projectcontrel’, ‘vtiger_projectscf’ & ‘vtiger_projectgrouprelation’
Step 2: Update modules/Users/DefaultDataPopulator.php File
(Note: according to the Creating New Fields in Existing Modules page adding the lines to the file is only necessary if the module is going to be included w/ a new release. other wise you can just create the SQL script.”)Insert values for the new module Projects in 3 tables namely, ‘vtiger_tab’, ‘vtiger_blocks’ and ‘vtiger_fields’
A) Insert values into vtiger_tab table
IMPORTANT NOTE:For inserting values into vtiger_tab table use value for tabid greater than 29 as values from 1 to 29 are already occupied by other modules of vtiger CRM.
NOTE: For compatibility with other extensions you should obtain your tabid values using the SQL max() function this way if others have already used any numbers you can get unused ones: select max(tabid) from vtiger_tab
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO vtiger_tab VALUES (<tabid>, '<name>', <presence>, <tabsequence>, '<tablabel>', <modifiedby>, <modifiedtime>, <customized>)");
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO vtiger_tab VALUES (30,'Projects',0,4,'Projects',null,null,0,1)");
B) Insert values into vtiger_blocks table
IMPORTANT NOTE: For blockid use values greater than 83 as values from 1 to 83 are already occupied by other modules blocks.NOTE: For compatibility with other extensions you should obtain your blockid values using the SQL max() function this way if others have already used any numbers you can get unused ones: select max(blockid) from vtiger_blocks
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO vtiger_blocks VALUES (<blockid>, <tabid>, '<blocklabel>', <sequence>, <show_title >, <visible>, <create_view>, <edit_view>, <detail_view>)");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_blocks values (84,30,'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION',1,0,0,0,0,0)");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_blocks values (85,30,'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION',2,0,0,0,0,0)");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_blocks values (86,30,'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION',3,0,0,0,0,0)");
C)Insert values into vtiger_field table
The ‘fieldid’ column values in vtiger_field table will be generated dynamically using ‘getUniqueID’ method of PearDataBase class.Syntax:
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (<tabid>, <fieldid>, <columnname>, <tablename>, <generatedtype>, <uitype>, <fieldname>, <fieldlabel>, <readonly>, <presence>, <selected>, <maximumlength>, <sequence>, <block>, <displaytype>, <typeofdata >, <quickcreate>, <quickcreatesequence>, <info_type>)");
For ui types see: Ui types
For data type see: INV…~ON
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'projectname','vtiger_projects',1,'2','projectname','Project Name',1,0,0,100,1,84,1,'V~M',0,1,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'projecttype','vtiger_projects',1,'1','projecttype','Project Type',1,0,0,100,2,84,1,'V~O',0,1,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'projectlead','vtiger_projects',1,'1','projectlead','Project Lead',1,0,0,100,3,84,1,'V~O',0,1,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'smownerid','vtiger_crmentity',1,'53','assigned_user_id','Assigned To',1,0,0,100,4,84,1,'V~M',1,null,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'start_date','vtiger_projects',1,'5','start_date','Start Date',1,0,0,100,5,84,1,'D~O',1,null,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'due_date','vtiger_projects',1,'5','due_date','End Date',1,0,0,100,6,84,1,'D~O~OTH~GE~start_date~Start Date',1,null,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'createdtime','vtiger_crmentity',1,'70','createdtime','Created Time',1,0,0,100,7,84,2,'T~O',1,null,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'modifiedtime','vtiger_crmentity',1,'70','modifiedtime','Modified Time',1,0,0,100,8,84,2,'T~O',1,null,'BAS')");
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_field values (30,".$this->db->getUniqueID("vtiger_field").",'description','vtiger_crmentity',1,'19','description','Description',1,0,0,100,1,86,1,'V~O',1,null,'BAS')");
For more information see: Creating New Fields in Existing Modules
Step 3: Update modules/CustomView/PopulateCustomView.php File
To get the Custom View by default for new Projects Module we need to have entry in ‘populateCustomView.php’ fileExample:
A) Insert the following array values in$customview array
Array('viewname'=>'All', 'setdefault'=>'1', 'setmetrics'=>'0', 'cvmodule'=>'Projects', 'stdfilterid'=>'', 'advfilterid'=>''),
B) Insert the following array values in$cvcolumns array
Array('vtiger_projects:projectname:projectname:Projects_Project_Name:V', 'vtiger_projects:projecttype:projecttype:Projects_Project_Type:V', 'vtiger_projects:projectlead:projectlead:Projects_Project_Lead:V', 'vtiger_projects:date_start:date_start:Projects_Start_Date:D', 'vtiger_projects:due_date:due_date:Projects_End_Date:D', 'vtiger_crmentity:smownerid:assigned_user_id:Projects_Assigned_To:V'),
Step 4: Update modules/CustomView/CustomView.php File
In CustomView.php file, put an entry for new module in $module_list array in the following format.Format:
"Projects"=>Array("Information"=>84,"Description"=>86,"Custom Information"=>85);
Step 4 Notes
- Didn’t find the $module_list array in the specified file (vTiger 5.0.3), after a search I found it in \modules\Reports\reports.php and upadted the array there.
- You may need to change vtiger_field, It seems like it might be stored there also. I’m not sure tho. Jonb 09:34, 11 June 2007 (PDT)
Step 5: Update include/utils/ListViewUtils.php File
Seems we need an entry in getListViewHeader() To get records in module ListView, put the listview query for new module in getListQuery() method of include/utils/ListViewUtils.php file.Example:
For Projects module, put the following query in getListQuery() method of include/utils/ListViewUtils.php file.
if($module == "Projects") { //Query modified to sort by assigned to $query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.*, vtiger_projects.* FROM vtiger_projects INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_projects.projectid LEFT JOIN vtiger_projectsgrouprelation ON vtiger_projects.projectid = vtiger_projectsgrouprelation.projectid LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupname = vtiger_projectsgrouprelation.groupname LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0 ".$where; if($is_admin==false && $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 1 && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && $defaultOrgSharingPermission[$tab_id] == 3) { $sec_parameter=getListViewSecurityParameter($module); $query .= $sec_parameter; } }
what if statement? there are lots, i am in vtiger 5.0.3 ** Search for a Case statement in vTiger 5.0.3, It worked for me. In vtiger 5.0.4, I added this data after the switch started on line 1819 you could search for “switch($module)” and add a case with the above data in it. I added the above block on line 2560.
Ver 504rc Seems we need an entry in getListViewHeader() as well
//Added for Action - edit and delete link header in listview getListViewHeader() //Different solutions - A if ($module =="Projects" AND $viewnamedesc['viewname']=="All" AND (isProjectLeader() OR isProjectAdmin() )) { $list_header[] = $mod_strings["LBL_ADD_WORKERS"]; } if(isPermitted($module,"EditView","") == 'yes' || isPermitted($module,"Delete","") == 'yes') { if ($module =="Projects" AND isProjectLeader() AND !isProjectAdmin() ) { } else { $list_header[] = $app_strings["LBL_ACTION"]; } } //Different solutions - E
This snippit should be inserted just before:
$log->debug("Exiting getListViewHeader method ..."); return $list_header;
Step 6: Update data/CRMEntity.php File
This file needs to updated for two reasons. one is to insert the module-group relation and another one is to update the module-group relationExample:
In insertIntoEntityTable() method, insert the following lines of code.
Inside the if loop - if($_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != ‘DETAILVIEW’ || ($_REQUEST['ajxaction'] == ‘DETAILVIEW’ && $_REQUEST['fldName'] == ‘assigned_user_id’)) – put the following entry.
elseif($module == 'Projects' && $table_name == 'vtiger_projects') { updateProjectGroupRelation($this->id,$groupname); } //and in the else part put the following lines elseif($module == 'Projects' && $table_name == 'vtiger_projects') { updateProjectGroupRelation($this->id,); }
In else part, if($insertion_mode == ‘edit’) // loop put the following lines
elseif($_REQUEST['assigntype'] == 'T' && $table_name == 'vtiger_projects') { insert2ProjectGroupRelation($this->id,$groupname); }
NOTE : For vtiger5.0.3 the file name in the step title is incorrect, there’s no method with this name. I found two files (/data/CRMEntity.php and /module/Users/Users.php) with this method with similar lines. Please some other detailed information to identify the correct file. Media:Example.ogg SAME PROBLEM in 5.0.4
Step 8: Update index.php File
For Detail View action we need to put an entry in index.php.Example: Add the following entry:
case 'Projects': require_once("modules/$currentModule/Projects.php"); $focus = new Projects(); break;
Step 9: Update Popup.php File
Put an entry in Popup.php to get Module popup.Example:
case 'Projects' : require_once("modules/$currentModule/Project.php"); $focus = new Project(); $smarty->assign("SINGLE_MOD",'Projects'); if(isset($_REQUEST['return_module']) && $_REQUEST['return_module'] !='') $smarty->assign("RETURN_MODULE",$_REQUEST['return_module']); $alphabetical = AlphabeticalSearch($currentModule,'Popup','projectname','true','basic',$popuptype,"","",""); if (isset($_REQUEST['select'])) $smarty->assign("SELECT",'enable'); break;
Step 10: Update modules/Settings/CustomFieldList.php File
To get custom field for new module, put an entry in $module_array of CustomFieldList.phpExample:
NOTE: It feels like this part is not needed anymore (vTiger 5.0.3), please confirm. The block was not even in 5.0.4.
Ver. 504rc Not needed as it has been taken care of with function getCustomFieldSupportedModules()
In this function a query is executed (might be useful for checking your tables) which dynamically builds the array.
select distinct vtiger_field.tabid, name from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_field.tabid=vtiger_tab.tabid where vtiger_field.tabid not in(9,10,16,15,8,29)
Step 11: Update modules/Settings/AddCustomFieldToDB.php File
Specify the table name to store custom field value of new moduleExample:
elseif($fldmodule == 'Projects') { $tableName='vtiger_projectscf'; }
Ver. 504rc Not sure if this is needed. If you stick to the normal ‘cf’ convention then (module name + ‘cf’) the the final elseif will take care of it. i.e. If there is a module name and its not empty then concatenate the module name to cf to build the table name
elseif($fldmodule != '') { $tableName= 'vtiger_'.strtolower($fldmodule).'cf'; }
Needs verifying
Step 12: Update data/Tracker.php File
For tracking the modules’ record in LastViewed list we need to put an entry in Tracker.phpExample:
elseif($current_module =='Projects') { $query = 'select projectname from vtiger_projects where projectid=' .$item_id; $result = $this->db->query($query); $pb = $adb->query_result($result,0,'projectname'); $item_summary = $pb; }
It feels like this part is not needed anymore (vTiger 5.0.3), please confirm. Did not see it in 5.0.4 either.
Ver. 504rc This entry is not needed as it is taken care of, dynamically in function track_view() The query looks like this, replace the question mark with the module name for testing.
select fieldname,tablename,entityidfield from vtiger_entityname where modulename = ?";
Step 13: Update include/utils/CommonUtils.php File
For the new module you need to put an entry in the following methodsgetQuickCreateModules()
getEntityName() getGroupName()
a) Include the following in $new_label array in getQuickCreateModules()’Projects’=>’LNK_NEW_PROJECT’,
It feels like this part is not needed anymore (vTiger 5.0.3), please confirm
b) Include the following case as one of the cases in getEntityName() method
It feels like this part is not needed anymore (vTiger 5.0.3), please confirm
case "Projects":$query = "select projectname from vtiger_projects where projectid in (".$list.")"; $result = $adb->query($query); $numrows = $adb->num_rows($result); $project_name = array(); for($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $project_id = $ids_list[$i]; $project_name[$project_id] = $adb->query_result($result,$i,'projectname'); } return $project_name; break;
c)Include the following elseif part in getGroupName() method:
elseif($module == 'Projects') { $sql = "select vtiger_projectgrouprelation.groupname,vtiger_groups.groupid from vtiger_projectgrouprelation inner join vtiger_groups on vtiger_groups.groupname=vtiger_projectgrouprelation.groupname where vtiger_projectgrouprelation.projectid=".$id; }
note: in 5.0.4 the pattern for the last bit of the $sql line seems to have changed form “projectid=”.$id;” to “projectid=?’;” Please confirm. Correct, all the 504rc >> queries are parameterized and are used not with the ‘query’ method but the pquery method. eg.
$result = $adb->pquery($query, array());
The array carries all the parameters that are passed to the query, one for each question mark.
Ver. 504rc Function getQuickCreateModules() No addition needed as it is being created dynamically with the following query
select distinct vtiger_tab.tablabel, from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid where quickcreate=0 order by vtiger_tab.tablabel
Ver. 504rc Function getEntityName() Seems that this function has also been upgraded and believe that no additions are required. Needs confirmation Ver. 504rc Function getGroupName() This function needs to be amended as described above but with this version you need the question mark paramater ie
$sql = "SELECT vtiger_projectgrouprelation.groupname, vtiger_groups.groupid FROM vtiger_projectgrouprelation INNER JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupname = vtiger_projectgrouprelation.groupname WHERE vtiger_projectgrouprelation.projectid=?";
Step 14: Update include/utils/utils.php File
For the new Projects module we need to put an entry in getRecordOwnerId() method Example:elseif($module == 'Projects') { $query1="select vtiger_groups.groupid from vtiger_projectgrouprelation inner join vtiger_groups on vtiger_groups.groupname = vtiger_projectgrouprelation.groupname where projectid=".$record; }note: in 5.0.4 the pattern for the last bit of the $sql line seems to have changed form “projectid=”.$id;” to “projectid=?’;” Please confirm.
Ver 504rc Yes so in this version (504rc) the query will look like this:
elseif($module == 'Projects') { $query1="SELECT vtiger_groups.groupid FROM vtiger_projectsgrouprelation INNER JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupname = vtiger_projectsgrouprelation.project_groupname WHERE projectid=?"; }
Ver 504rc On looking at this function getRecordOwnerId() it looks as thought, if you don’t have a specific entry, then the fall through ‘else’ dynamically creates a query asshown below.
So, for 504 >> it seems that we don’t need to modify Hey, all you great vTiger developers, I can see where this is going. Soon we will just have to run a script and the new module will be installed.
Great work, to all involved in this stratagy!
else { require_once("modules/$module/$module.php"); $modObj = new $module(); $query1="SELECT vtiger_groups.groupid FROM vtiger_".$module."grouprelation INNER JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupname = vtiger_".$module."grouprelation.groupname where ".$modObj->groupTable[1]."=?"; }
Step 15: Update modules/Home/UnifiedSearch.php File
We need to put an entry in this file for search functionalityExample:
include 'Projects'=>'Projects', in $object_array;
NB Ver 504rc
This entry is not needed as it is dynamically retrieved with the query in function getSearchModules()
SELECT distinct vtiger_field.tabid,name FROM vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid=vtiger_field.tabid WHERE vtiger_tab.tabid not in (16,29)Use this query to see what will actually be returned
Step 16: Update include/ComboStrings.php File
For the Projects Module we have a field called Project Type, which will display list of combo values about the type of project. In order to have default set of values in the field ‘Project Type’ we need to put an entry in the $combo_strings array.Example: For Project Type field in Projects Module we can have the following initial values
'projecttype_dom' => Array('CRM'=>'CRM', 'Web Application'=>'Web Application', 'Database'=>'Database', 'Mainframe'=>'Mainframe', 'Verticals'=>'Verticals'),
Part 2: Vtiger Front-end Modifications (Creating Module-specific Files)
Add a new module folder called Projects inside the modules directory. Ensure that the module name is similar to the name specified in the ‘vtiger_tab’ table. For easier understanding we will be referring to the new module as ‘Projects’ The Files required under the new module are:- index.php
- Module.php (here, Project.php)
- ListView.php
- EditView.php
- DetailView.php
- Save.php
- CustomView.php
- CallRelatedList.php
- Delete.php
- Popup.php
- language/en_us.lang.php
- Module.js (here, Projects.js)
Step 1: To create index.php
Create an index.php file under Projects folder and copy the contents of index.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy index.php file from Campaigns module to Projects and change the following:
include ('modules/Campaigns/ListView.php');to
include ('modules/Projects/ListView.php');
Step 2: To create Module.php (Projects.php)
Create Module.php (here Project.php) file under Projects folder and copy the contents of Module.php from the existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy the contents of Campaign.php from Campaigns module and change the followings:
class Campaignto
class Project
For modifying the class variables for Projects module refer the following table
$this->log =LoggerManager::getLogger('campaign');to
$this->log =LoggerManager::getLogger('project');
$this->column_fields = getColumnFields('Campaigns');to
$this->column_fields = getColumnFields('Projects');
Remove the functions get_leads, get_contacts, get_opportunities and get_activities and define the related list functions for Projects module as specified in the vtiger_relatedlists table.
Step 3: To create ListView.php
Create a ListView.php file under Projects folder and copy the contents of ListView.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy the contents of ListView.php from Campaigns module and change the following:
$focus = new Campaign();to
$focus = new Project();
$_SESSION['CAMPAIGN_ORDER_BY'] = $order_by;to
$_SESSION['PROJECT_ORDER_BY'] = $order_by;
Similarly replace the existing string ‘Campaigns’ with ‘Projects’ for all other lines.
Step 4: To create EditView.php
Create EditView.php file under Projects folder and copy the contents of EditView.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy the contents of EditView.php from Campaigns module and change the following:
$focus = new Campaign();to
$focus = new Project();
Similarly replace the existing string ‘Campaigns’ with ‘Projects’ for all other lines.
Step 5: To Create DetailView.php
Create DetailView.php file under Projects folder and copy the contents of DetailView.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy the contents of DetailView.php from Campaigns module and change the following:
$focus = new Campaign();to
$focus = new Project();
Similarly replace the existing string ‘Campaigns’ with ‘Projects’ in all other lines.
Step 6: To Create Save.php
Create a ‘Save.php’ file under new ‘Projects’ folder and copy the contents of Save.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy the contents of Save.php from Campaigns module and change the following:
$focus = new Campaign();to
$focus = new Project();
Similarly replace the existing string ‘Campaigns’ with ‘Projects’ for all other lines.
Step 7: To create CustomView.php
Create CustomView.php file under new ‘Projects’ folder and copy the contents of CustomView.php from an existing module.You need not change anything in this file.Example:Copy the contents of CustomView.php from Campaigns folder.
Step 8: How to Create CallRelatedList.php
Create a ‘CallRelatedList.php’ file under new ‘Projects’ folder and copy the contents of CallRelatedList.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example: Copy the contents of CallRelatedList.php from Campaigns module and change the following:
$focus = new Campaign();to
$focus = new Project();Similarly do the requisite replacement of other Campaigns Text with Projects.
Step 9: How to Create Delete.php
Create a ‘Delete.php’ file under new ‘Projects’ folder and copy the contents of Delete.php from an existing module and change the module specific statements.Example:Copy the contents of Delete.php from Campaigns module and change the following:
require_once('modules/ Campaigns/Campaign.php');to
$focus = new Campaign();to
$focus = new Project();
Step 10: How to Create Popup.php
Create ‘Popup.php’ file under ‘Projects’ folder and copy the contents of Popup.php from an existing module. not necessary to change anything in this file.Example: Copy the contents of Popup.php from Campaigns module.
Step 11: How to Create language/en_us.lang.php
This file is required for i18n support. define $mod_strings array. this array should have entry for the following variablesEntry for blocks name as:
'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'=>'Project Information';
Entry for field labels as:
'Project Name'=>'Project Name';
Step 12: How to Create Module.js (here Projects.js)
Create a Module.js (here ‘Projects.js’) file under new ‘Projects’ folder and put all module related javascript functions in this file.Step 13: Modify Smarty/templates/EditViewHidden.tpl and Smarty/templates/DetailViewHidden.tpl
Add an {elseif} block for your new module or an OR condition to one of the existing blocksImplementing Access Control
1. Administration – Fields Access Define global field-level access in module - Add fields – table: vtiger_def_org_field Ex.( for field with fieldid = 0 ):INSERT INTO `vtiger`.`vtiger_def_org_field` ( `tabid` , `fieldid` , `visible` , `readonly` ) VALUES ( '14', '0', '0', '1' );
2. Define access rights to profiles ( ex. needed for edytion, without this fields are visible only to admin ) Ex.(for profile 1):
INSERT INTO `vtiger`.`vtiger_profile2field` (`profileid`, `tabid`, `fieldid`, `visible`, `readonly`) VALUES ('1', '14', '0', '0', NULL)
3. ?
Vtiger Implementing Field Customization
To be startedImplementing Reports
To be started for Xl in vtiger 4.4.2Vtiger Adding PrimaryTab
Create module you want to insert into, open /parent_tabdata.php and add entry in array $parent_tab_info_array9=>'Menu'
Menu must be the same as parenttab_label in database vtiger_parenttab table And in array $parent_child_tab_rel_array add an other entry
menu number must fit parent_tab_info_array one <moduleID> Module ID list set in vtiger_tab At the end of /modules/Users/DefaultDataPopulator.php add a line
$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_parenttab values (<tabid>,'<tab name>',<position>,0)");
<tabid> is unique identifier <tab name> is php identifier for tabs <position> order in wich you want to see it In /include/language/*.lang.php add entry
'<tab name>'=>'language specific label',
Note: Only need to touch this script if this is going to be a new tab on the main menu. Otherwise the new field adds the new module to the existing tab specified.
Note: For 5.03 there is a file tabdata.php. New module must be added to the $tab_info_array.
Format: ‘ModuleName’=>##.
Vtiger Adding Module to Primary Tab
At the end of /modules/Users/DefaultDataPopulator.php add a line$this->db->query("insert into vtiger_parenttabrel values(<tabid>,<moduleid>,<position>)");
<tabid> is the tab you want the item appear found in vtiger_parenttab table <moduleid> is your moduleid found in vtiger_tab table <position> define module position in menu.
Thanks to ZenGo! Web Services.
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